Help Stop Deep Sea Mining before it starts
The deep sea is a treasure of biodiversity and home to untold wonders and possibilities. Deep sea mining companies, like The Metals Company, want to start the first ever mining in our back yard - the Pacific Ocean.
Sign the Petition today.
The Clock Is Ticking.
Sign the petition.
This July is crucial. Governments from around the world will be voting on a ban on Deep Sea Mining. With your help, Greenpeace can keep whales and other marine life off limits to greedy mining companies and stop them from tearing up the ocean floor.
Sign the petition to tell the Australian government to take a strong stand against deep sea mining now.
3917 signatures. Help us get to 25000!
Julie C signed today
Mark H signed today
Hilary G signed today
Nigel K signed today
Nicole K signed today
Jo B signed today
Rebekah R signed today
Jasmine S signed today
Natasha C signed today
Kara B signed 743 days ago
Petition | Stop Deep Sea Mining
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© Greenpeace: Image for illustrative purposes only.
What has the Australian government got to do with it?
Deep sea mining would have devastating impacts to oceans, marine life and people all over the world. For Pasifika people it poses serious threats to their livelihoods and spiritual connection to the ocean by impacting fish populations and sacred ecosystems.
The Australian government must use their power to stop this destructive industry, ensuring that valuable ecosystems aren’t put further at risk.
As a member of the International Seabed Authority, the organisation responsible for regulating ocean mining companies and preserving the deep sea, the Australian government has a vital role to play. We need them to show leadership and join others in calling for a moratorium to stop deep sea mining.A dangerous new industry threatening some of the most pristine places on Earth
The deep sea is a treasure of biodiversity and home to untold wonders and possibilities. However, mining companies are attempting to plunder the sea floor for profit.
The good news is we can stop this industry before it’s too late, but we don’t have much time. Sign the Petition today.
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