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  • Was climate change a key factor in Darfur?

    It’s a question posed by Stephan Faris in his new book Forecast: The Consequences of Climate Change, From the Amazon to the Arctic. Tee Lim, our volunteer Communications Intern, reviews the book. Forecast is a relatively quick and accessible account of the many and varied ways in which climate change is affecting regions and communities,…

  • Climate of creative disobedience

    “If you disobey a police directive, there is a risk you will be arrested and charged with trespass,” I explained gently to countless groups of people as they lined the front of Parliament House yesterday. Around two and half thousand people of all ages and from all over Australia gathered to encircle federal Parliament on…

  • Thousands join hands for our climate future

    Over 2500 climate activists and concerned Australians are currently encircling Parliament House in Canberra. They have linked hands around the building with a united message for Australia’s leaders: “We will not let you commit us to a dangerous climate future.” They are calling for urgent action on the climate emergency that threatens Australia’s future and…

  • Climate Summit decides 2009 objectives

    The latest from Elsa Evers at the Climate Summit in Canberra, day 2: After yesterday’s uplifting opener, today has been exhausting and emotional for many of us at Australia’s Climate Action Summit. I spent a lot of time in the policy and politics sessions, looking first at Rudd’s carbon pollution reduction scheme (CPRS) with Richard…

  • Why Climate Summit was short on hippies

    Latest from Elsa Evers at the Climate Summit: At the close of the final day of Australia’s Climate Action Summit, I understand what has made this summit so special. I’ll try to paint the picture: An elderly man sits next to me, deliberately scribbling notes. Two kids run down the aisle next to me, stepping…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Climate Summit kicks off

    This just in from Elsa Evers at the Climate Action Summit in Canberra: As the bus from Sydney circled the first roundabout into Canberra this morning, I had a sudden feeling of dread: ‘What if nobody turns up to Climate Action Summit?’ Of course, Australia’s climate action leaders are not the types to cancel at…

  • Rudd, Obama And Green Stimulus Package

    Kevin and Barack had their first conversation yesterday. As well as discussing the G.F.C. they also discussed closer cooperation on the climate crisis and agreed both countries should work closely together in preparation for the next United Nations meeting on the post-Kyoto framework in Copenhagen later this year. There was no mention of them discussing…

  • Update: Climate Summit agenda

    Momentum is building for the biggest gathering of climate action groups ever seen in Australia. At the Climate Action Summit in Canberra, grassroots climate groups will decide national campaigns and policy asks that will set the agenda for 2009 and help change our climate future. It’s history in the making, so come and be counted.…

  • Can this film change the climate?

    Some years ago, I interviewed Franny Armstrong about her inspiring, amazing docomentary film, McLibel. For the interview, Franny was in the UK and I was crouched in the narrow, dark hallway of my Sydney rental (the only phone line in the house). The line was crackly, Franny was talking 10 to the dozen and I…

  • Movie sneak preview: End of the Line

    End of the Line, the world’s first major documentary about the devastating effect of overfishing, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival yesterday. The doco examines the imminent extinction of bluefin tuna, brought on by increasing western demand for sushi; the impact on marine life, resulting in the huge overpopulation of jellyfish; and the profound implications…