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  • Spotlight on Newman as Bligh saves Nature Refuge from Palmer Mine

    Press release – 26 March, 201223.03.12: Greenpeace today welcomed the announcement from Anna Bligh that she would protect nature refuges from mining, including the stunning Bimblebox nature refuge in the desert uplands region of central Queensland.“This is welcome act of leadership to protect some of Queensland’s natural living treasures from the devastating impacts of open-cut…

  • Plastic Crisis in Bangun Village, Indonesia. © Ecoton / Fully Handoko

    Will brooms and shovels clean up the Arctic?

    New Zealand and Finland are practically on opposite sides of the planet, and quite a long way away from Alaska. Yet, they are the two starting points for Shell’s fleet of rented and commissioned ships that are preparing to get together and start drilling for oil in the Arctic this summer. They’re not getting away…

  • Did you hear the one about the CIA?

    Two weeks ago I got the kind of phone call a journalist loves to make and an activist hates to take. It was a journo from The Australian Financial Review (AFR) – my old alma mater – and he began the conversation by saying, “I’ve received a document that I need to get authenticated, can…

  • It’s no holiday for tuna scientists in the Pacific

    Every year, Pacific Ocean fisheries experts gather to review all of the current scientific data and make recommendations to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) on what us scientists call “conservation and management measures” – measures that should protect not only the target fish species of tunas, marlins, and swordfish, but also ocean…

  • BHP Steel Works in Whyalla. © Greenpeace / Frank Hewetson

    Our leaders can and should save the Pacific tuna next week

    Ocean stewardship in the Pacific has come a long way. Ask a Pacific islander fifty years ago about managing fish and you would have been greeted with a look of bemusement.  After all, fish back in the day were thought of as unlimited. Ask a pacific islander today about managing fish and the response will…

  • Green groups unite to support landowner against Palmer mine

    Press release – 21 March, 2012Australia’s largest environmental organisations have today united in support of landowner Paola Cassini in her opposition to plans by Clive Palmer’s Waratah Coal to build an open cut coal mine on the Bimblebox Nature Refuge.Paola Cassoni, owner of the Bimblebox Nature Refuge said: “As a landowner, I’ve tried everything to…

  • Reaction to Clive Palmer’s allegations

    Press release – 20 March, 201220 March, 2012: First up, Greenpeace does not accept funding from the CIA, nor from any other secret service for that matter. Neither do we accept money from any government or corporation. Our campaigns are funded mainly by the many tens of thousands of individuals around Australia who share our…

  • Rainforest clearance and burning in the RAPP concession (Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper) in Giam Siak Kecil area to clear land for plantation establishment.

    A jungle story

    Susie Lovato is one of thirteen who successfully completed our Sumatran Jungle Challenge in October 2011. We chatted to Susie about her inspiration and experience of taking up the challenge. “I’ve been a Greenpeace supporter since 2006. Even though I started small, signing petitions and reading the latest Greenpeace articles, when I found out about…

  • A message for UNESCO is written in the sands

    Press release – 11 March, 20129th March Abbot Point, Queensland. As the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) mission took a final flight over the controversial site of the proposed coal port, Abbot Point, they were reminded that the eyes of millions of Australians will be on them as they decide whether to…

  • Tony Burke delays world’s biggest coal port in World Heritage Area

    Press release – 11 March, 2012Sydney 11th March 2012. Greenpeace was relieved to see Environment Minister, Tony Burke, is beginning to listen to the broader Australian community in deciding to extend the deadline approval of the massive expansion of the coal port at Abbot Point until December 2012. However we are concerned this delay doesn’t…