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  • Can’t Take A Leak But A Coal Transfer Is OK

    On Tuesday morning, stricken Chinese coal bulker, Shen Neng 1, arrived in the pristine wateres of Hervey Bay. The ship anchored in the great sandy marine park, a whale sanctuary on the edge of world heritage listed Fraser Island. On 5 April, Shen Neng 1 struck the Great Barrier Reef on Douglas Shoal, where it…

  • NSW Gov’t Rejects Bickham Coal Mine

    In what appears to be the first ever rejection of a new coal mine by the NSW Government, Premier Kristina Keneally has today rejected the proposed Bickham coal mine in the Upper Hunter Valley. This is a huge win for the local community, which has been campaigning to stop this mine for the past decade…

  • Why I Ran Across The Sahara Desert

    Michael Williams recently completed the Marathon des Sables — a 250 km run through the Sahara Desert in Morocco. It’s considered by many to be the toughest footrace in the world. The marathon is run over six stages, the longest being around 80 km, and takes contestants across challenging terrain including salt flats, mountains, dried…

  • ‘The End Of The Line’ Gets Celebrity Thumbs Up

    We couldn’t wait to see reactions to this compelling documentary. It is a mind-blowing film that reveals overfishing as one of the biggest environmental issues of our time. It's screening for a limited season across Australia.

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Tell Your Super Not To Fund Climate Change

    You probably won’t be too shocked to hear that BP and Shell are developing even dirtier ways to profit from oil extraction. What you might not know is that our superannuation money is being invested in the companies that are developing ‘tar sands’ – the dirtiest oil available. That’s the news from top ethical investment…

  • A Major Win For The Oceans

    We’re even closer to saving the oceans in the Pacific from overfishing. Earlier this year we were delighted by the closure of two massive high seas areas to destructive purse seine fishing. Now we are getting really excited. Eight Pacific Island countries have just announced they’ll close a whopping 4.5 million square kilometres of ocean…

  • Oil Spill Disaster Report From On The Ground

    The BP Deepwater Horizon accident and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a disaster unfolding before the world’s eyes. Eleven lives were lost in the initial explosion, and that incalculable loss is compounded daily as oil continues to flow. It’s being compared to the Exxon-Valdez spill off the coast of Alaska, one of…

  • Rudd’s Unconscionable Climate Back Flip

    Paul Winn is our Forests and Climate Campaigner. Here is what he had to say about Prime Minister Rudd dumping the CPRS. Last year Kevin Rudd was quoted as saying ‘No responsible government confronted with the evidence delivered by the 4000 scientists associated with the International Panel could in conscience choose not to act’. So…

  • What’s Happening With the Whales?

    There's been quite a bit of media lately on the whales front. And the conflicting reports can be a bit confusing

  • Climate Activists Face Court

    This morning 15 Greenpeace activists faced court in Mackay in relation to last year’s  occupation of the Abbot and Hay Point coal terminals. We spoke with some of the activists before their court appearance about why they took action, and what it was like standing up for the climate. You can hear what they had…