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  • Our Hope Is Our Community

    We received another reminder today of the passion, enthusiasm and spirit that we will all need to overcome political barriers to change, as separate community demonstrations in Victoria and Queensland protested the madness and immorality that is export coal. In Melbourne, several hundred people put off their lunch break to converge at Victorian Parliament House,…

  • Your Chance To Oppose NSW Coal Expansion

    With everything that we know about climate change, it is hard to believe that Australia is still proposing to build polluting coal power stations. The good news is you have a chance to lodge your opposition. The NSW Rees Government has recently announced plans to build two new massive power stations, one in the Hunter…

  • @Kevin Rudd: A Small Request On My Birthday

    It is my birthday! 29 rotations on planet earth for little old me. Now, Kevin, I know you’re reading this and desperate to know what you, our Prime Minister could possibly give me, an activist, on my big day? Well Kev, I don’t want much, just a little more honesty from you. When talking about…

  • Come Have Fun At The Greenpeace Warehouse

    Have a creative flair? Not a creative bone in your body, but keen to help Greenpeace? Looking for a fun weekend activity for the kids? Well, prop, puppet and banner making workshops are coming to Sydney and Melbourne soon. Come along to the Greenpeace warehouse and make props, puppets and banners for Walk Against Warming.…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • 300 People Stop Coal Trains From Helensburgh Mine

    People at the peaceful community action at a Helensburgh coal mine this weekend had a message for Kevin Rudd: “Don’t Kev the climate!” Some 300 people stopped trains and trucks running from the mine on Sunday, with 50 peacefully blockading the road leading to the mine. Four others shut down operations at the nearby Dendrobium…

  • Community Protest This Weekend

    Sydneysiders, hope you’ve already got this weekend’s climate camp in Helensburgh factored into your weekend plans. It’s going to be a momentous weekend. Already Peabody Coal has announced “no trucks or trains would operate to or from the mine on Sunday, the expected day of the march”. Climate camp hasn’t even started and it’s already…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • 29 words

    6 days to go to my birthday*! Which means it is 6 days to go to the International Blog Action Day on October 15th. I thought I’d make list of words to describe the outcome I’d like to see from the Copenhagen negotiations. Not more terms and numbers, scientists have told us what the technical…

  • What’s Been Going On In Bangkok?

    Trish Harrup, one of our climate campaigners, is currently in Bangkok for the United Nations’ climate talks. In these two interviews, Trish talks about what the Bangkok talks are all about and how they relate to the December meeting in Copenhagen. She also talks about some of the developments at the talks and the mood…

  • It's My Birthday And I'll Blog If I Want To

    It is my birthday in two weeks. The 15th of October marks another rotation on this little blue green globe for me. Coincidentally there is an initiative to turn this day into an international blog about climate change day. The Blog Action Day is a great idea and according to their website they can reach…

  • The Inconvenient Truth About Oceans

    The Economist calls it “The Inconvenient Truth about the oceans”. It’s The End of the Line, a riveting major documentary that investigates the overfishing crisis facing our oceans. This fascinating documentary will soon be showing in Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, Newcastle and Sydney. The End of the Line documents the massive demand for bluefin tuna that…