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  • Coalition Tries To Put Coal Into Renewables Law

    In the world of the Mad Hatter, up is down, green is grey, logic is silly and absurdity is profound … But even the Mad Hatter could never have imagined a world in which fossil fuels are actually renewable energy sources. “If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • We Need A 20% Renewable Energy Target

    In November 2007, after intense campaigning from Greenpeace and many other environmental organisations, Kevin Rudd promised that, if elected, he would expand Australia’s renewable energy target to 20% by 2020. After sitting in limbo since the election, the legislation is finally being debated this week. Apart from the unnecessary delay in implementing the legislation, the…

  • July In Pictures: Booze, Art And Two Oceans

    In July, we continued our ship tour of the Pacific, launched the Alcoholic Drinks edition of the Truefood Guide and caught up with an Australian explorer helping Greenpeace in the Arctic. Click on the arrows to move to the next image.

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Community Day Of Action At Hazelwood Power Station

    Despite the increasing climate warnings, the coal industry continues to pollute like there’s no tomorrow. Australia’s dirtiest power station – Hazelwood, in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley – has been the subject of increasing protest over recent years, including recent actions by Greenpeace. This polluting old dinosaur spews an average of 17 million tonnes of CO2 into…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Humanity, The Climate Crisis And The Case For Hope

    Simon Roz will be talking at the Australian Museum in Sydney on “Humanity, the Climate Crisis and the Case for Hope” this Saturday 15th August at 12.30pm.  He shares his thoughts here on some of the lessons we can learn from our previous triumphs over seemingly insurmountable challenges. When President John F Kennedy told the…

  • Win Double Pass To "The Cove"

    Filmmaker Louie Psihoyos, former on-set dolphin trainer for Flipper and an elite team of activists team up to uncover a dark secret in what otherwise looks like the dolphin-friendly town of Taijii in Japan. What they discover is both a shocking instance of animal abuse and a serious threat to human health. Award-winning documentary, The Cove,…

  • CPRS – "Continue Polluting Regardless Scheme"

    In the absence of any political will to make the difficult decisions to replace polluting industries with clean alternatives, the Rudd Government have gone to great lengths to design a scheme that makes it look like they’re taking action on climate change, without actually having to do anything or make any hard decisions. In order…

  • What Does The Pacific Think About PIF?

    Seni Nabou is the Pacific Political Advisor in our Suva office. In this post, she shares her views of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) outcome. Seeing the outcomes of yesterday’s PIF Communique on climate change was like a nightmare where you dream that your child is walking steadily towards a burning fire and you can’t…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Espy Heads North To Cairns

    After relieving our activists from the Hay Point coal loader, the Esperanza has ended the 3 day blockade of Queensland coal exports and is heading north for Cairns. We’re holding an open boat on Sunday to talk to the public about Rudd’s failure, and about the next steps in the campaign for real action on…

  • Forget Watergate, We Now Have Cairns'gate

    International climate negotiations just got dirty, even if the final stage hasn’t started. Australia and New Zealand’s corrupt and underhanded means of getting their way inside the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) carries the stench of colonialism. It is no secret that in this fora they continue to use their small contributions to our poor countries…