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  • Introducing Our Speakers From The Pacific

    Three Pacific Islander community leaders will be speaking in Sydney (23 July), Brisbane (28 July), Melbourne (30 July) and Cairns (2 August) in the coming weeks. It’s part of “Voices from the Frontline: Taking Action on Climate Change in the Pacific”, co-hosted by Greenpeace. Here’s an introduction to the speakers. Pelenise Alofa Pilitati, Kiribati Pelenise…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Espy Log, Week 4: Samoa

    We’ve just had another update from Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza. The ship is currently touring the Pacific to document efforts in Pacific Island nations to adapt to climate change impacts. This update is from Emily. We’ve been and gone from Samoa, and are now making our way slowly west across the north of Fiji towards…

  • Something Smells Foul In Japan’s Criminal Justice System

    This post is just in from Junichi Sato. Junichi is one of the two Greenpeace activists known as the “Tokyo Two” that were arrested when they presented evidence of corruption in Japan’s whaling industry to Japanese authorities. While Japan’s Criminal Justice System may look OK from a distance once you get close enough to smell…

  • Meet Chino, Deckhand Aboard The Esperanza

    Chino Uelese is currently aboard Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza, as a deckhand. Kia orana/ Talofa lava, As well as being a deckhand on the Esperanza, my ancestral roots and language have given me a unique role on this ship tour. My mum is part Samoan/ Fijian and my dad originates from Samoa and the Cook…

  • Wrapping Up The G8 And MEF

    The dust has settled from the G8 meeting in Italy where politicians gathered to discuss the greatest challenge facing our civilisation. I was going to write ‘world leaders’ but ‘politicians’ is a more accurate term. Leadership implies vision and decisive action. All we got from the G8 was hot air. We have 145 days to…

  • Looking Out Over A Climate-Changing World

    As I write this, I’m 200 metres above the most polluting power station in Italy. Brindisi (which I’m assuming is Italian for “blows a gale”) is a long way from home but six other Greenpeace activists and myself have made it our temporary home, occupying the top of the massive smoke stack. This is by…

  • G8 Climate Protests Continue As Leaders Blow Hot Air

    The Greenpeace international team have been taking action all over the world to try to build pressure around the crucial G8 meeting and Major Economies Forum (MEF)  in Italy. The statement that just came out of the MEF is little more than hot air, with no mid-term emission reduction targets and no money on the…

  • Why They're Wearing Sweaters In The Tropics

    Seni Nabou is our Political Advisor in the Pacific region. She normally works out of our office in Suva, Fiji, but currently Seni is aboard Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza, for its Pacific “Our Climate, Our Future” ship tour. So far, Seni’s met with Cook Island Government officials as well as residents on the islands. It’s…

  • Greenpeace Climate Action At G8

    The G8 meeting in Italy has just wrapped up, to be followed today by a meeting of the Major Economies Forum (MEF). It is a crucial moment in the leadup to the Copenhagen meeting in December when world leaders will thrash out the detail of a new global climate deal to replace the Kyoto Protocol.…

  • Espy Log, Week 3: Hearing Local Stories

    The crew aboard Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza (the Espy), are in their third week touring the Pacific to help send a message to world leaders about climate change impacts in the region. In this latest update, Emily reports on their work with locals in Pukapuka and Nassau. Ki Orana from a sleepy Sunday morning on…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific