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Breaking free from fossil fuels
Join the movement to end coal and embrace a 100% renewable energy future.
What Happens here affects us all
Climate change doesn’t discriminate and it knows no borders. Carbon emissions in Europe are causing sea levels to rise and submerging low-lying islands thousands of kilometres away. That’s why Pacific Island Represent has taken a detour from Bonn in Germany, to Oslo in Norway, to bear witness at the historic The People vs Arctic Oil…
The 8 Women to Watch as the World Talks Climate Change
Women are on the front-lines of climate change, from rising seas to extreme weather. We’re also leading the charge at global climate talks and rallying people power to protect our planet. Some of us are at the helm of business, government or civil society organisations. Together, we can bring an end to fossil fuels and…
What Happens in the Arctic Doesn’t Stay in the Arctic – Four Reasons why the Court Case Against Arctic Oil Could Make History
As people and governments around the world are starting to act on climate change, the Norwegian government is moving in the opposite direction – opening up the remote Arctic for new oil drilling and putting people’s lives at risk. MY Arctic Sunrise moored in Svalbard. The winter of 2015/ 2016 represents a record low for…
The Trump effect: How far back has he pushed us?
The election of Donald Trump to the U.S. Presidency in November 2016 threw a lot of people into a tailspin, and the actions out of the White House since he took office in January have been cause for concern on a number of fronts. On the 100th Day of the Trump Administration, we are in…
If You Think The Turnbull Government Is Populist, Then You Don’t Understand Populism
It’s tempting to brand Malcolm Turnbull a spineless populist. While the first bit may be right, the second clearly isn’t. This piece was originally published on New Matilda. In the wake of a shock pro-Brexit decision and Donald Trump’s election win large sections of the global intelligentsia were quick to announce the arrival of a…
Pacific Activists: Stand Up Fight Back
The Cambridge dictionary describes activists as “people who believe strongly in political or social change and take part in activities such as public protests to try and make something happen.” The Cambridge dictionary describes activists as “people who believe strongly in political or social change and take part in activities such as public protests to…
Tackling Tuna – How People Took On the Biggest Tuna Company and Won
Today is a big day for our oceans. It is good news for sea turtles and sharks, sea birds and tuna. It is also a great day for hundreds of thousands of workers at sea, many of whom have been victims of horrendous working conditions and human rights abuses. Today is a big day for…
Trump abandons the Paris Climate Agreement. How bad is that?
In short, yes it’s bad. But the world moves on. Greenpeace International Executive Director Jennifer Morgan answers your questions. In short, yes it’s bad. But the world moves on. Greenpeace International Executive Director Jennifer Morgan answers your questions. What does Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement mean for the fate of the climate?…
To protect free speech, lend your voice – literally!
Can you imagine a world in which Greenpeace and other advocacy groups were no longer able to stand up for our forests, oceans, and climate? A A giant logging corporation called Resolute Forest Products can — and is fighting to make this sinister vision a reality. Watch the video: For years, Greenpeace has campaigned to…