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Over to you, Gladys
You demanded climate action and today, NSW Labor listened. If elected, they’ve pledged to make huge investments in renewable energy. This is great news in the race to switch from climate-wrecking coal to clean energy, and it shows that climate action is well and truly on the agenda this NSW election. With polling day drawing…
NSW leaders…we’re watching you on climate
Did you hear the news? The NSW Labor and Liberal Party have both announced new policies backing rooftop solar, hot on the heels of our cheeky stunt at NSW Parliament late last week, where we crashed NSW Labor’s big election fundraiser dinner to get our message across. These policy announcements are a step in the right direction. The fact that…
NSW solar policies: how do they stack up?
The parties of NSW have identified climate change and cost-of-living are key issues, and renewable energy allows them to address both of these. But with the major parties all racing to announce their policies to boost uptake of rooftop solar, how do their policies stack up? | Cash handouts, interest-free loans and bold plans to…
Climate action in NSW: here’s the plan.
NSW is lagging behind all the other states and territories in the transition to clean energy. NSW is a drought declared state, with catastrophic bushfires and extreme heat waves across the state. Regional towns are on the brink of running out of water, millions of fish are dying in the Murray Darling Basin and heatwaves…
Funding activism can change the world
It was calm seas on board Greenpeace’s flagship, the MY Rainbow Warrior, as we hosted a gathering of friends from the environmental movement in Port Melbourne in November. The below excerpt is from a speech given by the Executive Officer of the Reichstein Foundation and member of the Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network, John Spierings, on…
Pet Activists of Greenpeace
A tribute to our four pawed supporters. Photo credit: Mankica Kranjec / Greenpeace|Photo credit: Chris Grodotzki / Greenpeace|Photo credit: Greenpeace / Christian Åslund|Photo credit: Sarah Pannell / Greenpeace|Photo credit: Greenpeace|Photo credit: Bence Jardany / Greenpeace|Photo credit: Greenpeace|Photo credit: Amy Scaife / Greenpeace|Photo credit: Amy Scaife / Greenpeace|Photo credit: Jonne Sippola / Greenpeace|Photo credit: Greenpeace /…
Who will deliver the clean, renewable-powered future NSW needs?
NSW has been a clean energy laggard for decades. But, now, with an election in sight and a shifting political landscape that rewards climate action, the Berejiklian Government is singing from a new song sheet. A wind turbine with coal piles and the Newcastle coal loader in the background.|A wind turbine with coal piles and…