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The Good News
Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Let’s be honest, reading mainstream media at the moment will give you plenty of bad news, so let’s talk about the good stuff. I left the business world to join the non-profit sector because I believe people can change the world for the…
The year that was 2 0 1 5
The triumphs of 2015! Thanks to all of you, this year has been a great one. Here is a bit of a recap on the year that was 2015 as we welcome in the new year. 1. The Great Barrier Reef: the world chose coral over coal Thanks to hundreds of thousands of Greenpeace supporters…
Dredging Great Barrier Reef for Abbot Point would be illogical, irresponsible
Press release – 21 December, 2015Brisbane, 22 December 2015: The Queensland government must stick to its election promise and hold off on dredging to expand the Abbot Point coal terminal, even in the face of federal approval for the activities to begin, Greenpeace Australia Pacific said today.Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt issued the approval today…
Cut it out Lynham: Don’t dredge the Great Barrier Reef for Abbot Point
Press release – 16 December, 2015Brisbane, 17 December 2015 – Days before a Federal Government decision on dredging in the Great Barrier Reef area, Greenpeace has called on Queensland mines minister, Anthony Lynham, to cut up any dredging paperwork he receives and save the Reef.Greenpeace Australia Pacific activists today presented Mr Lynham’s office with a…
What the Westpac fossil fuel policy means for Qld & the Great Barrier Reef
Press release – 10 December, 2015Brisbane, 11 December 2015 – Westpac Bank’s announcement today of its intention to limit investment in fossil fuels is a warning to the Queensland Government not to dredge in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Greenpeace Australia Pacific said.“The Queensland government is at a cross-roads, and this latest policy…
Greenpeace CEO to defend independence of conservation groups at parliamentary inquiry
Press release – 16 November, 2015Sydney, 17 November 2015 – Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO David Ritter will defend the independence of conservation groups at a federal parliamentary inquiry today into their charitable status.The parliamentary inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations, a tax deductibility scheme, could strip environment groups of their their ‘deductible gift recipient’…
Greenpeace lauds crucial Carmichael legal challenge
Press release – 8 November, 2015Sydney, 9 November 2015 – Greenpeace Australia Pacific applauds the crucial legal challenge to the Carmichael megamine that was lodged today by the Australian Conservation Foundation.The challenge is a judicial review of last month’s approval of the controversial Carmichael megamine in Queensland by Environment Minister Greg Hunt. “The Carmichael coal…
CommBank announcement on climate change demands shift away from coal financing
Press release – 4 November, 2015Sydney, 5 November 2015 – The Commonwealth Bank’s announcement on climate change today is a key indicator that fossil fuels no longer make any financial or environmental sense, Greenpeace Australia Pacific said today.The Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Australia’s biggest bank and one of the largest listed companies on the ASX,…
Global coral bleaching is an urgent warning to stop coal activity near Great Barrier Reef
Press release – 8 October, 2015Sydney, 9 October 2015 – Responding to news about the massive global coral bleaching event under way that will also affect the Great Barrier Reef, Emma Gibson, Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s Head of Program said:“This extreme coral bleaching event is devastating news for all of us, and should be setting off…
Greenpeace welcomes indications govt will not subsidise Adani
Press release – 8 October, 2015Sydney, 9 October 2015 – Responding to comments from Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg that Adani has to ‘stand on its own two feet’ and that its operations are not a priority project under the Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund (NAIF), the Head of Program for Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Emma Gibson, said:“We…