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QLD Government decision to approve Carmichael mine damages climate, biodiversity and water
Press release – 7 May, 2014Sydney, 8 May 2014: The Queensland government’s approval of the Carmichael coal and rail development, set to be one of the largest single coal mines in the world, is a bankrupt decision which will cripple water resources, destroy threatened species, lock in dangerous climate change and damage the Great Barrier…
Great Barrier Reef ‘facts’ TV ads ignore dredge dumping risks
The United Nations is concerned about port expansions and dredging disposal in the Great Barrier Reef – but that bigger picture is ignored in new ‘Reef Facts’ commercials. -By Jon Brodie, James Cook University Image courtesy NASA/GSFC/LaRC/JPL, MISR Team, CC BY New “Reef Facts” commercials are currently airing during prime-time television shows in Australia, purporting to…
#AustraliansForCoal is the latest sign of an industry in values freefall
‘The problem for coal is that it is the single greatest driver of climate change’. Originally published in The Guardian Photograph: Tim Wimborne/Reuters During the second world war, my dad performed his war service down the coal mines in the UK. The work cost him his sense of smell, but gave him a profound sense…
Twitter responds to #AustraliansForCoal
When the Australian Minerals Council launched their million-dollar pro-coal advertising campaign yesterday, Australians for Coal, they weren’t expecting this. They were trying to build a movement of people committed to supporting good ol’ fashioned coal to power Australia’s energy needs for the next 100 years and beyond. But the Internet had better ideas. The public response…
These 6 shocking graphs show you how bad the climate crisis is becoming
Last week the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its highly anticipated report, Climate Change 2014: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, the most comprehensive assessment of climate change to date. …
Is this our canary in the coal mine?
Q: What’s white bottomed and sweet as a button and will not take well to an Indian coal giant clearing its home as part of exploration works for Australia’s biggest black coal mine? © Ian Montgomery A: The Black –Throated Finch (Southern). This little fellow…
Anglo Coal abandons Reef destroying project. Time for Jeff Seeney to do the same.
Press release – 6 March, 2014Brisbane, Friday 7 March, 2014: With yet another company walking away from the destructive AP-X development at Abbot Point, Greenpeace is calling on Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney to cancel the project in order to safeguard the health of the Great Barrier Reef.The announcement from Anglo Coal means two of the…
Indian coal giant Adani flouts Australian environment laws, risks endangered finch
Press release – 4 March, 2014Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt should use his powers to immediately order an investigation into the potential impacts of exploration activities by Indian coal giant Adani on an endangered Australian finch at the site of a proposed Carmichael coal mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin, says Greenpeace..“Greenpeace calls for Galilee Basin…
Senate Inquiry means work must stop at Maules Creek and on projects threatening the Great Barrier Reef
Press release – 3 March, 20144 March, 2014: In light of today’s announcement concerning a Senate Inquiry into the use of environmental offsets and the integrity of the process, Greenpeace is calling on the Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, to order all work on Whitehaven’s Maules Creek coal mine and the Galilee Basin in Queensland to…
FOI docs reveal Minister Hunt ignored GBRMPA advice to not dredge and dump on Reef
Press release – 2 March, 2014Sydney, 3 March 2013: New documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show the Federal Environment Minister Mr Greg Hunt ignored clear advice from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) that dredging and dumping approvals for the Abbot Point coal port expansion should not be granted because…