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New study reveals coal boom on collision course with Humpback Whales
Press release – 13 May, 2012Sydney 14th May 2012: A new study in the journal “Marine Ecology Progress Series” raises serious concerns over the likely impact of the coal and gas rush on Humpback whales, including on likely breeding and calving grounds near Mackay.“What this study reveals is that humpback whales are literally on a…
Macken sense: I got it totally wrong…
Let me be the first one to admit that I got it wrong – seriously wrong. In last week’s post I said that I was willing to bet my house on this prediction, “… over the next six months the State and Federal governments are going to be working hand-in-glove to eradicate as much environmental…
Tony Abbott promises to remove environmental safeguards
Press release – 19 April, 2012Sydney 20th April 2012 – The Opposition leader, Tony Abbott’s pitch to major polluters reached new heights today. Addressing a conference in Brisbane, Mr Abbott said he would out-source the protection of the environment and impacted communities to the States and Territories eager to fast track massive new industrial developments.…
Macken sense: I’m not psychic but…
The mining industry has a problem – farmland, the environment and the pesky Great Barrier Reef just keeps getting in the way of their vast new coal mines and mining infrastructure. Not for much longer. Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson, told a National Energy Conference in Brisbane this week what the source of…
Did you hear the one about the CIA?
Two weeks ago I got the kind of phone call a journalist loves to make and an activist hates to take. It was a journo from The Australian Financial Review (AFR) – my old alma mater – and he began the conversation by saying, “I’ve received a document that I need to get authenticated, can…
Reaction to Clive Palmer’s allegations
Press release – 20 March, 201220 March, 2012: First up, Greenpeace does not accept funding from the CIA, nor from any other secret service for that matter. Neither do we accept money from any government or corporation. Our campaigns are funded mainly by the many tens of thousands of individuals around Australia who share our…
A message for UNESCO is written in the sands
Press release – 11 March, 20129th March Abbot Point, Queensland. As the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) mission took a final flight over the controversial site of the proposed coal port, Abbot Point, they were reminded that the eyes of millions of Australians will be on them as they decide whether to…
Tony Burke delays world’s biggest coal port in World Heritage Area
Press release – 11 March, 2012Sydney 11th March 2012. Greenpeace was relieved to see Environment Minister, Tony Burke, is beginning to listen to the broader Australian community in deciding to extend the deadline approval of the massive expansion of the coal port at Abbot Point until December 2012. However we are concerned this delay doesn’t…
David vs Goliath
Last week Greenpeace launched a vital new campaign for Australia. We’re taking on the massive coal mining and coal export expansion plans particularly in Queensland. These mega coal mines, coal port infrastructure and increases in coal shipping traffic not only spell disaster for our climate but for Australia’s national treasure – the Great Barrier Reef.…
New Gladstone coal terminal announced on eve of UNESCO visit
Press release – 6 March, 2012If approved, it would result in an extra 550 coal ships passing through the reef each year – on top of the more than 10,000 coal ships expected each year.The proposal, by Tenement to Terminal Limited, is for a new coal terminal to export 50 million tonnes of coal per…