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Greenpeace paints a picture for UNESCO
Press release – 6 March, 2012Gladstone, 7th March 2012: Greenpeace activists have painted the message “Reef in Danger” on the side of a coal ship – the Panamanian-flagged Chou Shan- berthed at Gladstone RG Tanna Coal Terminal, as a United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) team arrive to inspect the harbour.The UNESCO mission…
Greenpeace confronts mining lobby
Press release – 5 March, 2012Tuesday March 6, 2012, Sydney: In response to articles in today’s Australian Financial Review and The Australian, Greenpeace is welcoming a public debate on the need to protect the Great Barrier Reef and the global climate from the excesses of the mining industry.“It is no secret that we’re trying to…
Boom Goes the Reef
Press release – 29 February, 2012New Greenpeace report exposes how Australia’s coal boom threatens the Great Barrier ReefThursday March 1, 2012, Sydney • Six times more coal ships through the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area • Coal port capacity increased six-fold along the Great Barrier Reef coastline • The world’s largest coal port proposed…
Press release – 23 February, 2012Auckland, 24 February 2012 — New Zealand actor Lucy Lawless — star of hit US TV show Spartacus and Xena: Warrior Princess — joined Greenpeace activists in stopping a Shell-contracted oil drillship from departing New Zealand for the Arctic, where its exploratory oil drilling programme threatens to devastate the Alaskan…
Just a few days left…
Around the world, industry is encroaching further and deeper into the remaining pristine environments to operate. We’re working to protect these areas, including the precious Coral Sea. There are just a few days to have your say on what should be the world’s largest fully protected marine reserve. Where is the Coral Sea? Extending east…
Greenpeace calls for immediate halt to new approvals during Great Barrier Reef strategic assessment
Press release – 19 February, 2012Sunday February 19, Sydney: Greenpeace welcomes yesterday’s announcement of a comprehensive strategic assessment of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area by Federal and State Governments, but warns that it will be an empty gesture without an immediate halt to new approvals of major infrastructure while the assessment is being…
The future we want? Between hope and despair on the road to the Rio Earth Summit
Blogpost by Daniel Mittler – January 17, 2012 – I have been up at night a lot over the last ten days thinking about the future. You do not have to feel bad for me as the reason was a joyful one: I was carrying around my new born daughter. As I stared at her…
Wildlife threat after Christmas Island spill
Press release – 9 January, 2012Sydney, Tuesday 10 January, 2012: Greenpeace is calling on the Australian Government to dramatically tighten maritime safely regulations following the sinking of a phosphate ship on the coast of Christmas Island.The Tycoon, built in 1983, flies under a Panamanian flag of convenience and is beneficially owned by Taiwanese firm Ocean…
Add your voice to the call for a genuinely historic sanctuary
Right now the Australian government is deciding the fate of Australia’s Coral Sea. The countdown is on to protect nearly one million square kilometres of unique coral reefs, atolls and underwater canyons flanking the world-heritage listed Great Barrier Reef. Blogpost by Nathaniel Pelle – December 6, 2011 Just a few weeks back I sailed out…
Linda Selvey attends NGO Roundtable on Climate Change
Here’s what happened when our CEO Linda Selvey travelled to Canberra to attend the NGO Roundtable on Climate Change. Last Friday I made the trek to Canberra to participate in the NGO Roundtable on Climate Change. Like the Business Roundtable on Climate Change, this was set up by the Government to advise Ministers (including the…