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Demerger Documents ‘The Height Of Greenwashing’ As Both AGL And Accel Set To Breach Paris Climate Targets
Documents released today by AGL, Australia’s biggest climate polluter, outlining the details of its proposed demerger cement the company’s environmentally and financially ruinous path, revealing that both entities will breach Paris-aligned climate targets and slow the global energy transition, Greenpeace Australia Pacific says.
Green Electricity Guide reveals Australia’s greenest to dirtiest electricity providers
SYDNEY, Feb 8 2022 – The latest Green Electricity Guide, from Greenpeace Australia Pacific, has revealed the greenest electricity providers in Australia, with Enova Energy and Diamond Energy coming out on top and AGL, Australia’s biggest electricity provider, having its shocking climate record exposed at the bottom of the rankings. Report headlines Greenpeace’s latest edition of…
The Fight Against WA Gas
Woodside are attempting to prioritise profits over our planet, with their Scarborough gas mining project. Greenpeace Asia Pacific are supporting the Conservation Council of Western Australia’s fight against the most climate-polluting project ever proposed in Australia. Greenpeace approaches the Soviet Soviet factory ship Dalniy Vostok and a harpoon ship. Bob Hunter stands at the bow…
Faceless investment giant teams up with Woodside for Australia’s most climate polluting project
Woodside Energy has convinced multinational infrastructure firm Global Infrastructure Partners to fund part of its toxic Scarborough gas drilling development, with Greenpeace Australia Pacific warning that it will escalate pressure to stop Australia’s most climate polluting project from going ahead.After Woodside’s desperate struggle to find investors, Global Infrastructure Partners have agreed to finance part of…
Diplomatic bully: Australia’s climate obstruction in the Pacific revealed
Australia uses diplomatic strong-arm tactics to water down outcomes in Pacific climate negotiations and buy silence on climate change, a new investigation from Greenpeace Australia Pacific has revealed.Greenpeace’s new report, Australia: Pacific Bully and International Outcast reveals: The Australian government uses bullying tactics in regional negotiations on climate change, according to former Pacific Island leaders…
Now Morrison is going to COP26, he must take a meaningful climate target
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement that he will attend the COP26 Climate Summit, after weeks of threatening not to attend, has been labelled “meaningless” by Greenpeace Australia Pacific unless he commits to a strong climate target to take to Glasgow. Treasurer Scott Morrison hands Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce a lump of coal during Question…
Woodside’s new Scarborough gas project is risky business
Many employees see Scarborough as the wrong path for Woodside The Scarborough gas project is a deep-sea gas mine project that will drill into the heart of prime marine habitat off Western Australia’s coast. This is a shocking and terrible idea – and many people working at Woodside feel the same way about this disaster-in-waiting.…
Australia’s biggest corporate greenwashers revealed: new report
The majority of net zero commitments made by major Australian companies have been described as ‘corporate greenwash’, with new analysis from Greenpeace Australia Pacific finding that most of the highest-emitting companies in the ASX200 that have set net-zero targets either have no firm plans to end their use of coal to meet their target, or…
Taking a stand against Australia’s biggest climate polluter in the Federal Court
By Olivia Nankivell Glenn Walker, Katrina Bullock, Rebecca Gilsenan and David Ritter with Greenpeace Australia activists.|AGL Energy’s Loy Yang A coal-burning power station It was a big day for climate action, folks! Yesterday, on the 2nd of June, the AGL v Greenpeace court case commenced in the Federal Court in Sydney. AGL alleged intellectual property…
AGL alleges intellectual property infringement against Greenpeace
It was a big day for climate action, folks! Yesterday, on the 2nd of June, the AGL v Greenpeace court case commenced in the Federal Court in Sydney.