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Real pirates plunder and steal
It is now more than 30 days since our ship was seized and our 30 friends and colleagues were arrested. They now face a charge of piracy — an absurd charge that carries a maximum 15 year jail sentence. In the meantime pirate fishing is a real threat, recklessly plundering our oceans. It seems like…
Nauru Comes Through
Recently the Esperanza and crew had a short stop in Nauru, a small Pacific island country between Kiribati and the Marshall Islands. Blogpost by Steve Connolly, webbie on board the Espy – 10-10-2011 Our stop here happened to come just days after Nauru called for the closure to longline fishing in the high seas…
Continued inaction is not an option at the CBD
Our Pacific Political Advisor Seni Nabou reports back from the first few days of meetings at the UN’s Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD), in Nagoya, Japan. As a Pacific Islander, attending these big world conferences can be overwhelming. The sheer size, grandeur, pomp, ceremony and alien language (diplo-speak) are enough to cower any sane individual…
Hiroshima remembered – Greenpeace revisits the tragic legacy of nuclear testing
On August 6, 1945, the city of Hiroshima was destroyed by a single atomic bomb. Upon impact, thousands of people were instantly carbonised in a blast a thousand times hotter than the sun’s surface. Around 80,000 died instantly, while the final toll climbed to 250,000. On August 9, Nagasaki suffered a comparable fate. The 65th…
Forget Watergate, We Now Have Cairns'gate
International climate negotiations just got dirty, even if the final stage hasn’t started. Australia and New Zealand’s corrupt and underhanded means of getting their way inside the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) carries the stench of colonialism. It is no secret that in this fora they continue to use their small contributions to our poor countries…