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Top 5 Alternatives to Shark Nets
The NSW Government has allowed for more lethal beach nets to be dropped in NSW beaches. Ineffective nets which don’t protect people but do indiscriminately kill marine life such as dolphins, turtles, dugongs, rays and endangered sharks. So if nets aren’t the answer to beach safety, what is? Scalloped Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) cought in…
NSW wildlife culling “against national interest”
Press release – 17 November, 2016Sydney, 18 November 2016: Greenpeace Australia Pacific has slammed the legal ‘exemption’ granted this week to allow installation of shark nets at New South Wales north coast beaches.“Environmental laws are there for a reason – to protect the environment. Federal Government ministers shouldn’t just grant an exemption whenever it suits…
Three political parties, one environmental message
Despite their party differences, past Australian political leaders are agreed on one thing: the politicians of the present are failing us on the environment. Parliamentary heavyweights John Hewson, Bob Carr and Christine Milne took to the stage on Saturday, 22 October, at the National Environment Meeting, and you can see edited highlights of their speeches below.…
Pray for our Pacific: Finding strength in solidarity
Earlier this month, Pacific Island communities gathered together to summon the strength to confront the climate battles ahead. They were joined by communities from all over the world in a show of solidarity and support to collectively hold space for the Pacific. Faith is a central tenet of Pacific Island communities, and climate change is often…
Why fixing your phone is one of the most empowering things you can do
Like most people, I don’t go anywhere without my phone. In the morning, its shrill alarm rouses me from sleep. During the day it bobs between my ear, my hand, and my pocket. At night, I hunt for Pokémon before putting it away on the nightstand. My phone is my MP3 player, my camera, and…
Plastic bag monster terrorises turtle in Martin Place as environmentalists call for NSW to ban plastic bags
Press release – 6 September, 2016Sydney, 7 September 2016 – Environmental campaigners staged an elaborate battle between a turtle and a plastic-bag monster in Martin Square this morning to highlight the dangers of plastic pollution. The battle took place ahead of the delivery of a petition of more than 20,000 signatures asking the state’s environment…
6 amazing plastic bans from around the world
Good news! Plastic bans across the world have been hitting the headlines lately. From the US to India and Morocco, governing bodies are taking control of the plastic pollution problem, bringing in either complete bans on plastic, or bans on specific forms like polystyrene. By Fiona Nicholls 1. Karnataka, India In March this year, the…