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Who brought him? Abbott’s G20 blunders
We all have that one embarrassing uncle. You know, the one that hosts a family function and then proceeds to argue with everyone. The one that brings up all the embarrassing stories, such as the moment when you peed your pants when you were ten. Well, at this year’s G20 summit hosted in Brisbane, Tony…
Greenpeace ramps up Sydney Uni divestment push
Press release – 19 November, 2014Thursday 20 November: Greenpeace is today launching a public advertising campaign calling on Sydney University to divest from Whitehaven Coal – as the controversial company’s share price dive-bombs.“We are ramping up our call for Sydney University to divest from environmental vandal, Whitehaven Coal,” said Greenpeace Climate Campaigner, Nikola Casule. “Right…
Greenpeace welcomes NSW Government push back on Whitehaven Coal Company
Press release – 23 October, 2014Sydney 23rd October, 2014. Greenpeace has praised the Department of Planning and Environment’s decision to restrict the clearing of the Leard State Forest by Whitehaven Coal Company (WHC) to between the 15th of February 2015 and 30th of April 2015. This decision won’t save the precious Leard State Forest, but…
For the oceans – every week is Shark Week!
‘Shark’: it’s an evocative and symbolic single syllable. Just the sound of the word conjures up a host of associated images, usually to do with menacing fins, teeth, and a certain cinematic soundtrack. Sharks have been around on earth much longer than us, and play vital roles in keeping oceans healthy. There are lots of…
Palm oil companies say they’ll put forest destruction on hold. But what happens next?
Some of the world’s biggest palm oil companies have suspended their forest destruction. Is this a ceasefire or the end of their war on forests? | We refuse to stand by while palm oil companies turn forests to plantations. We started with Indonesia’s largest palm oil company, Golden Agri Resources (GAR). When GAR agreed to…
A tale of 5 countries: taking a look at fossil fuel corruption around the world
When it comes to resource extraction and the political process — the issue is a global one. Have a look at some of the recent coal-ruption stories that have been breaking all around the world. |Boggabri coal mine in the Leard State Forest. The forest is marked for an Open Cut Coal mine. The Maules Creek…
Coal, Divestment and Democracy
By John Keane, University of Sydney Pushed and pulled in different directions by government policies and market forces, modern universities try hard to be public institutions for the public good. Fond of proclamations, their efforts are impressive – sources of hope in times when many people feel things are not going well. The historic Quadrangle…
Greenpeace builds coal mine at Sydney Uni: slams Whitehaven investment
Press release – 17 September, 2014Sydney, Thursday 18 September 2014: University of Sydney students were surprised to find their campus was ‘closed for coal mining’ this morning when Greenpeace activists disguised as Whitehaven Coal workers fenced off the central university boulevard and started construction of a new coal mine (high res photos now available).“We’re building…
Leard Alliance call for investigation into safety at Whitehaven’s Maules Creek Mine
Press release – 16 September, 2014MAULES CREEK/Sydney, 17 September 2014 – The Leard Forest Alliance and activists at the Leard Blockade camp have called for an immediate police investigation into alleged interference with mine fuses at the Maules Creek Coal Mine.The Alliance has no knowledge of any of the events alleged by Whitehaven Coal and…
Sydney University’s Report Card
From the national headlines to the private board rooms of Sydney Uni, people are talking about us. Do you know why? In the last week, over 24,000 Greenpeace supporters have called on Vice-Chancellor Michael Spence to divest from Whitehaven Coal – owners of the largest coal mine under construction in Australia. People power is working. We’ve…