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Australia made history, but for all the wrong reasons
A few short years ago, putting a price on carbon was a sensible first step on the journey to tackle the main cause of climate change – our carbon emissions from increasing use of fossil fuels. Image via @geeksrulz on Twitter Since that sensible first step, the world and Australia have continued to warm. On…
How to halt a bulldozer army while overcoming a fear of heights
This might seem like an unlikely thing for someone with vertigo to sign up for. But, on Monday night, I volunteered to spend a night high in the canopy of critically-endangered Box Gums in the Leard Forest. It was a unique spot to witness the majesty of this place. I was suspended nine metres above…
Sydney rallies parliamentarians to save Leard Forest from Whitehaven Coal’s bulldozers
It was an inspiring, empowering example of what our movement stands for. Today, hundreds of Sydney-siders joined a snap rally outside of the offices of NSW Planning Minister Pru Goward and NSW Environment Minister Rob Stokes asking them to immediately halt bulldozers tearing down Leard Forest. We were there to deliver a 30,000-strong emergency petition…
Whitehaven Coal thwarted as fresh activists step in to stop forest clearing
Press release – 1 June, 2014Maules Creek, NSW, Monday 2 June 2014: As tree-climbing activists hinder bulldozing for the fourth day in a row, Greenpeace is calling on the NSW Government to urgently stop forest clearing in the Leard State Forest during the winter hibernating months.“Just this morning, a new group of tree-climbers entered a…
The gentle caress of the bulldozer
Right now, a handful of brave folk are doing all they can to stop Whitehaven Coal from razing the ancient Leard State Forest in order to build a coal mine – currently the largest under construction in Australia. Greenpeace activist taking action in the Leard State Forest. The Forest is rare, precious and home to…
Activists halt Whitehaven’s ‘gentle’ bulldozers
Press release – 29 May, 201430 May, 2014 Sydney/Maules Creek: Greenpeace has today intervened to stop Whitehaven Coal controversially razing Leard State Forest. This afternoon at 13.00, a number of activists entered the threatened forest and headed into the canopy to halt the bulldozers in their tracks.“Just two weeks ago, the Baird State Government allowed…
Coal industry gets preferential treatment from Baird government
Press release – 14 May, 2014Sydney, Thursday 15 May 2014The new Ministers for Environment and Planning in NSW – Rob Stokes and Pru Goward – are continuing the pattern of preferential treatment for the coal industry by weakening environmental protections associated with the Maules Creek coal mine to facilitate its development. State Government agencies have…
Public thirst for Cash for Containers leads governments into voter danger
Press release – 29 April, 2014The Boomerang Alliance, a coalition of 28 environment groups, says the continued lack of action at a national or state level on cash for containers after a meeting of Environment Ministers on Tuesday, is setting the scene for a ‘Fail’ come election time in Victoria, NSW and Queensland.The Boomerang Alliance,…
NSW Premier Baird should sidestep lobbyists and commit to Cash for Containers
Press release – 28 April, 2014In advance of a meeting today of all Environment Ministers set to consider a 10 cent cash for containers scheme, a coalition of 28 environment groups, including Clean Up Australia and Greenpeace, are calling on the NSW Premier Mike Baird and his new Environment Minister Mr Rob Stokes to ignore…