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More cans than cigarette butts in clean-up campaign
Why is it every time I try to pay a visit to the managing director of Coca Cola I’m met by police? It started when a small group of us delivered bags of empty bottles and cans to then managing director Terry Davis at his office. It continued when I attempted, with a couple…
Cash for Containers: it makes cents
It’s not often you get a chance to talk directly to your State Premier about something you’re passionate about. But as chance would have it, on Monday night I was able to represent my local area and attend the NSW Community Cabinet Meeting as an advocate for a container deposit scheme. South-West Sydney may not seem…
Historic Action At Maules Creek Coal Mine
As the global community comes to terms with the dire warning delivered today by the latest report into the impacts of climate change by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), over 150 people are taking direct action, occupying the proposed mine site of Whitehaven’s controversial open cut Maules Creek coal mine – the largest…
Clean up Australia Day: Boomerang Alliance demands action on Cash for Containers
Press release – 28 February, 2014With Clean Up Australia Day tomorrow (Sunday 2 March), the Boomerang Alliance, consisting of 27 environment groups including Clean Up Australia, Greenpeace and the Total Environment Centre, are calling on state and federal governments to introduce a Cash for Containers recycling scheme.The Boomerang Alliance is also encouraging people to take…
Self destruction on renewable energy
Press release – 16 February, 2014Monday 17 February, 2014: Following today’s announcement of the review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET), Greenpeace is calling on the Government to dramatically increase its clean energy ambitions.“Hours after US Secretary of State John Kerry called climate change a weapon of mass destruction, Australia risks shooting itself in the…
Iconic Maules Creek campaign gets boost with national group CEOs pledging full support
Press release – 9 February, 2014Monday 10 February 2014: In a dramatic upscaling of events, a coalition has been formed to prevent Mark Vaile’s Whitehaven Coal, from destroying the last remaining forest of its kind and to stop the construction of what would be the largest new coal mine in Australia.For the last few months,…
3 scientific ways to help prevent shark attacks. No shotgun required.
This image was tweeted by The West Australian on Sunday 26 January 2014. It shows a three metre long, female tiger shark being caught with a hook and killed with a rifle. Reports say her body was then dumped at sea to fall lifelessly to the ocean floor. This image was tweeted by The West…
Trees are starting to fall in Leard State Forest
As Whitehaven Coal’s bulldozers begins felling trees adjacent to Leard State Forest, the community has leapt into action in a final bid to protect the ancient woodland. Protesters have launched a blockade at the site of Whitehaven’s controversial Maules Creek coal project in North West NSW, turning back vehicles seeking to clear the forest…