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  • Tell Your Super Not To Fund Climate Change

    You probably won’t be too shocked to hear that BP and Shell are developing even dirtier ways to profit from oil extraction. What you might not know is that our superannuation money is being invested in the companies that are developing ‘tar sands’ – the dirtiest oil available. That’s the news from top ethical investment…

  • Coal Power Station Bites The Dust

    We had great news this week as it was announced that Queensland coal-fired power station, Swanbank B, would be closed down. We’ve been calling for it to be closed down for years. This aging power station, first built in 1971, has been an unnecessary blight on Queensland’s landscape for too long. In July 2008, I…

  • Join The Rally Against NSW Coal Expansion

    Get ready for it: the New South Wales (NSW) Government is set to massively expand the state’s coal power industry. In fact, it’s proposing the biggest expansion for 30 years. Not only is it planning to refurbish and expand two existing polluting dinosaurs (Munmorah and Eraring pwer stations in the Hunter region), it is going…

  • Our Hope Is Our Community

    We received another reminder today of the passion, enthusiasm and spirit that we will all need to overcome political barriers to change, as separate community demonstrations in Victoria and Queensland protested the madness and immorality that is export coal. In Melbourne, several hundred people put off their lunch break to converge at Victorian Parliament House,…

  • Your Chance To Oppose NSW Coal Expansion

    With everything that we know about climate change, it is hard to believe that Australia is still proposing to build polluting coal power stations. The good news is you have a chance to lodge your opposition. The NSW Rees Government has recently announced plans to build two new massive power stations, one in the Hunter…

  • Community Protest This Weekend

    Sydneysiders, hope you’ve already got this weekend’s climate camp in Helensburgh factored into your weekend plans. It’s going to be a momentous weekend. Already Peabody Coal has announced “no trucks or trains would operate to or from the mine on Sunday, the expected day of the march”. Climate camp hasn’t even started and it’s already…

  • Join the community coal protest Sun 11 Oct

    On Sunday October 11th, the Australian community will again voice its opposition to the coal industry, in the next of a series of protests at coal infrastructure around the country. This time the protest is in Helensburgh, south of Sydney, at Australia’s oldest coal mine. Despite the fact that coal is Australia’s biggest contributor to…

  • Dates For Climate Action Across Australia

    Community opposition to the coal industry is stepping up, with more and more people outraged that Kevin Rudd is choosing coal over a safe climate. In September and October, communities are voicing their frustration in a series of community protests at coal infrastructure around the country. People from all walks of life will gather at…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Win Double Pass To "The Cove"

    Filmmaker Louie Psihoyos, former on-set dolphin trainer for Flipper and an elite team of activists team up to uncover a dark secret in what otherwise looks like the dolphin-friendly town of Taijii in Japan. What they discover is both a shocking instance of animal abuse and a serious threat to human health. Award-winning documentary, The Cove,…

  • Climate Politics At The Pacific Islands Forum

    While Greenpeace are taking direct action to highlight the conflict between Australia’s ever expanding coal exports and the future of our Pacific neighbours, leaders from across the region are meeting in Cairns today for the Pacific Island Forum. In recent years the agenda has been dominated by issues of regional stability including the intervention in…