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  • Climate Politics At The Pacific Islands Forum

    While Greenpeace are taking direct action to highlight the conflict between Australia’s ever expanding coal exports and the future of our Pacific neighbours, leaders from across the region are meeting in Cairns today for the Pacific Island Forum. In recent years the agenda has been dominated by issues of regional stability including the intervention in…

  • Politics Of Climate At The Pacific Island Forum

    With Pacific leaders increasingly outspoken about the need for developed countries like Australia to make deep cuts in Greenhouse emissions, Kevin Rudd is under increasing pressure during the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) today. Yesterday, leaders of the ‘Small Island States’ had their meeting before todays PIF leaders meeting in Cairns. They are calling for rich…

  • And The Winner Is …

    On 31 July, we announced the winner of the inaugural 2009 Greenpeace Design Awards – Sam Dickson. Here’s an interview with the designer 1. How did you come about the idea for your entry to the awards – can you explain the process step by step? This is always a tough question for me to…

  • 15 Australian Climate Scientists Settle The Score

    This post has been copied directly from the Sydney Morning Herald online opinion section from 1 August 2009. These are fifteen men and women who are genuine climate scientists and have been involved in producing, reviewing and critiquing climate change science for decades. Had any doubt about where the science of climate change stands? Let…

  • Rio Tinto – Do They See The Writing On The Wall?

    The fact that multinational miner Rio Tinto is lobbying the federal government (as reported in the Australia, on July 27th, 2009) is striking and curious for a number of reasons. Firstly, as Australia’s number one uranium miner, it should be no surprise that Rio are looking to develop market share in the nuclear energy production…

  • The Future of Energy is Now

    I’m going to say it. Ready? Here it comes … Solar power is ready to replace coal-fired electricity! OK, so we’ve been claiming this for a while, but a report released from Greenpeace and the solar industry this week leaves no doubt that solar power is able to provide electricity just as well as coal.…

  • Budget Aftermath: Part 1, or "Hope!"

    I’ve had quite a lot of time to contemplate tonight’s federal budget, having spent four hours in the Treasury lock-up with papers open to pages numbering into the 300s and a confused look on my face shouting: “WHAT? … HUH? … OK, so it’s $100 coming from this department, but only allocated after the first…

  • Obama Leading Green Economic Recovery

    Our society faces the collision of two tectonic plates. The Global Financial Mess (GFM) is resulting in growing job losses around the world and the global financial system, despite massive public bailouts, is still teetering on the edge of further collapse. This has collided with the much deeper and more profound crisis of climate change.…

  • Climate of creative disobedience

    “If you disobey a police directive, there is a risk you will be arrested and charged with trespass,” I explained gently to countless groups of people as they lined the front of Parliament House yesterday. Around two and half thousand people of all ages and from all over Australia gathered to encircle federal Parliament on…

  • Rudd, Obama And Green Stimulus Package

    Kevin and Barack had their first conversation yesterday. As well as discussing the G.F.C. they also discussed closer cooperation on the climate crisis and agreed both countries should work closely together in preparation for the next United Nations meeting on the post-Kyoto framework in Copenhagen later this year. There was no mention of them discussing…