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  • Sydney Uni Summer School Asks: Is Coal Like War?

    Today was a blast from the past, when I presented a session of the University of Sydney summer school’s program on peace and the environment. They were a mixed bunch of post-grads from various continents and walks of life, including a Canadian Greenpeace activist who had tried to stop the berthing of a US nuclear…

  • Looking forward to 2009

    It’s been a lovely summer. I was camping for a couple of days near the beach at Meroo National Park on the NSW south coast. Long afternoon sleeps under shady eucalpyts… morning swims in the crystal clear ocean… slow cooked damper on the campfire. It was a great rest after a hectic year. The turbulance…

  • Take part in climate protests around the country

    Following the apalling betrayal from Kevin Rudd yesterday, there are climate change protests springing up all over the country. They’re being organised by grassroots community groups who have asked us to promote them as widely as possible. So if you want to let your outrage be felt, get out there and get involved. Or if…

  • Rudd’s climate placebo: a 5% target

    On Friday, Kevin Rudd announced over half a billion dollars in funding for the NSW coal industry. Today, he announced an emissions reduction target and an emissions trading scheme that will have virtually no impact on reducing emissions and will give billions in handouts to the big polluters. This is a climate action plan that…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • An open letter to Kevin Rudd on climate

    Today Greenpeace released this joint statement, together with over 50 Australian environmental organisations. Any day now the Federal Cabinet will be making a decision about the target for cutting greenhouse emissions over the next decade. It’s a crucial moment. We’ll find out what the target is on the 15th – when we will know if…

  • What is the true cost of coal?

    What would you say is the actual cost of coal? I can tell you that you won’t find the answer on your electricity bill. Nor will you find it on the stock exchange or commodities market. Greenpeace has just released a report called The True Cost of Coal, which looks at the many ways that…

  • People Power

    It was inspiring to see placards such as this “I am a coal miners daughter and I say stop.” being proudly displayed on the day, together we can change the future.

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Why I joined the Sydney Walk Against Warming

    The 2008 Walk Against Warming in Sydney was a fantastic experience. I walked because I believe we all need to act together to ensure a clean, green future for ourselves and all future generations. I was moved to see so many people and various organisation there showing solidarity for the climate movement. I was especially…

  • It's Not Over Yet …

    We’ve made our message loud and clear over the past 6 weeks. The Tour began with the release of our Energy [R]evolution Scenario, which shows how Australia could phase out coal-fired power by 2030 through a combination of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Shortly after we released another report, demonstrating the job opportunities in turning…

  • Bligh’s Response To Greenpeace Coal Ship Action In Queensland

    Greenpeace activists finished their painting just moments before a police boat turned up this morning, with a final tally of 20 ships painted with messages like “Bligh exporting CO2”, “Coal is killing the Reef” and “Stop coal expansion”. While 10 activists were taken into custody by police, Premier Bligh was questioned about the protest in…