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  • A bright future for coal workers

    This morning our Energy [R]evolution Tour blew a tenacious myth right out of the water with a report showing that the Hunter Valley would have a jobs boom if renewables replaced coal-fired power. The Hunter Valley is home to the world’s largest coal port and a hub of coal-fired power generation for the whole of…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Garnaut, climate change and the need for 2020 vision

    It is reassuring to hear a respected economist such as Professor Garnaut emphasise the importance of committing to 2020 targets and his warning that as climate change is proceeding faster than predicted, more urgent action is needed. Having been such a devoted laggard on the issue, Australia now has the opportunity to show international leadership…

  • Greenpeace position on the proposed privatisation of the NSW electricity sector

    Greenpeace has a number of concerns with proposals to privatise the retail sections of the NSW electricity sector, and to lease out the generation assets. These are detailed below. In general, Greenpeace believes that elected governments must be actively engaged in the electricity sector in the coming decades to ensure that the production and consumption…

  • What is what in the 2008 climate debate?

    In last year’s federal budget, over $10 billion of taxpayers’ money was used to subsidise the fossil fuel industry. The May budget will show whether the new government is serious about climate change action. Stay tuned for how you can get involved. There are proposals to build new coal power stations in most states. Will…

  • Bali: Nusa Dua a go go

    Some of the very surreal aspects of the Bali Climate Change conference are the setting, the cast of players and how this contrasts with the gravity of the issues that we are here to deal with. Bali is a beautiful place. And the conference is being held in one of the grandest hotels on the…

  • Climate sceptics leave the Parliament

    Its been a bad election for climate change sceptics, but there are a number of them still left in the Parliament. And one of them could yet lead the Liberal Party. In August 2007 a House of Representatives Inquiry report into Geosequestration (burying carbon dioxide underground- the ‘sweep it under the carpet’ solution) was released.…

  • Latest Anvil Hill legal case fails, but campaign continues!

    George Woods from Rising Tide The controversial Anvil Hill open cut coal mine has become a symbol not only for the rampant expansion of the coal industry in the Hunter Valley and its contribution to greenhouse gas pollution, but also of the failure of state and federal legislation to provide a responsible planning and accountability…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Greenpeace Power Station Action Update

    Munmorah, NSW Central Coast, Thursday 8am 15 November 2007: I’m just touching base from the roof of Munmorah coal fired power station, where my fellow climbers have painted the message ‘Coal Kills’. And that’s exactly why we’re up here – because coal kills. It’s killing our planet, it’s killing our economy and it’s killing our…

  • Environment Minister absent at climate forum in his own electorate

    Last night a diverse and at times raucous crowd of 150 Wentworth residents turned out to hear how their candidates for the federal election would deal with the most pressing issue facing the planet: climate change. In a seat where environmental issues are dominating the agenda, it is no surprise that the crowd were fired…

  • Hey big spender, don’t forget the planet

    We’re one week into the election campaign and the shopping lists of political promises are already adding up to big dollars for both parties. And although both Prime Minister John Howard and opposition Leader Kevin Rudd would have us believe they are serious about climate change, they are yet to put their money where their…