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Spring Fishion Show kicks off seafood labelling campaign
It’s all about the label, according to top model and environmental scientist Laura Wells who compered the Bouillabaisse Spring Fishion Show which launched the ‘Label My Fish’ campaign in Sydney this month. Roses and sunshine served as a glorious backdrop in Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens. Guests nibbled on fish shortbread and watched models strut…
Horrific footage: Are you eating ocean slaughter?
This shocking video about destructive tuna fishing underlines why we need accurate seafood labelling in Australia. In this video, with footage from the Indian Ocean and leaked by fishermen, you can see all the reasons Greenpeace Australia Pacific campaigned, and won, to stop bad practices in the Australian tuna industry. The video shows FADS…
For the oceans – every week is Shark Week!
‘Shark’: it’s an evocative and symbolic single syllable. Just the sound of the word conjures up a host of associated images, usually to do with menacing fins, teeth, and a certain cinematic soundtrack. Sharks have been around on earth much longer than us, and play vital roles in keeping oceans healthy. There are lots of…
Navigating seafood
Sea life is one of the last sources of food hunted from the wild. Most of what we eat comes from farming, where we have thousands of years of history in domesticating animals for food production and growing crops This is a guest post by Tooni Mahto, Marine Campaigner at the Australian Marine Conservation Society.…
Seafood labelling – why are we whiting?
Over time I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way Australians can make informed choices about what we’re eating is if we’re given sufficient information, if we’re told exactly what’s on the plate. From my work as a restaurant critic, consumer advocate and in recent research for the SBS TV series, What’s the Catch?…
Shark Girl: Why the Discovery Channel has got it wrong on sharks
Many people develop relationships with animals. For some, it’s their pet dog or cat, the possum that lives in their backyard tree, or their local birds. The animal I most connect with is the shark. This is a guest blog by activist and shark lover Madi Stewart – also known as Shark Girl. Madi has…
Don’t think sharks are adorable? Watch this.
In Hollywood, sharks are a bit like Christopher Walken – they always get typecast as the bad guy. Our friend Lily Williams doesn’t agree with that – so she’s made her own movie to change the way everyone sees sharks. It’s not your average shark flick – it’s factual, adorable, and narrated by Lily’s 10-year-old…
6 JAWsome shark facts!
Do sharks make you think of the theme music from Jaws and shark nets at the beach? A whale shark photographed from above in Cenderawasih Bay National Park, Indonesia. Do sharks make you think of the theme music from Jaws and shark nets at the beach? It’s Shark Week – the perfect time to bust…
We need to talk about Jaws
I’ve never watched Jaws. Somehow, though, any mention of the movie thrusts an image to the forefront of my mind: a gargantuan beast rising from cerulean depths, mindlessly charging towards vulnerable prey; rows of jagged teeth braced, black irises stoic as it prepares to tear apart human limbs and chew asininely on a once living,…