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Celebrate! Kiribati changes its tuna and protects one of world’s largest fishing grounds
Raise your kava glass! After years of a marine protected area being falsely described as “off limits to fishing and other extractive uses” when it was actually being heavily fished, President Anote Tong of the Pacific island country of Kiribati and his government have finally voted to close the historic Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA)…
How to catch tuna like an Islander
I just went on my most successful fishing trip ever. There wasn’t much to compare it to. The best before that was when I caught half a fish because the tail half got eaten before I reeled it in. So you can imagine how excited I was when I was recently invited to the Pacific island of…
Japan to defy UN court and continue whaling
There has been disappointing and worrying news today. The Government of Japan has announced that it intends to return to the Southern Ocean to hunt whales in 2015. It has also officially announced that it will again send its factory whaling ship to hunt whales in the North Pacific, although it plans to target fewer…
6 reasons why The Star’s latest promotion is a face-palm to the oceans
Who’s up for some barbecued endangered species? This March down at The Star, until recently known as Star City Casino, it’s tuna month. Is this a new campaign from the high-rollers about conserving endangered species perhaps? Think again – at The Star, they’re serving endangered species. Years of overfishing means 95% of the southern bluefin…
2014 – the year of the shark
Wow! What a fantastic beginning to 2014 – the government has finally announced a ban on shark finning in New Zealand waters! Yesterday’s news that its plans to make shark finning illegal is a great step in the right direction – although it’s disappointing that won’t…
Sharks face the death penalty
Sharks have a reputation for being pretty tough, but has the Western Australian Premier based the new shark culling policy on the plot of Jaws? Sharks have had a bad reputation for a very long time; people don’t like to be bitten. But their reputation has become worse with multiple shark films and now YouTube…
Real pirates plunder and steal
It is now more than 30 days since our ship was seized and our 30 friends and colleagues were arrested. They now face a charge of piracy — an absurd charge that carries a maximum 15 year jail sentence. In the meantime pirate fishing is a real threat, recklessly plundering our oceans. It seems like…
West African Communities Rally to Protest Monster Boats
Just one week after Chilean fishermen and Greenpeace vigorously protested against the Margiris supertrawler, Mauritanian fishermen and fishing communities in West Africa are also raising their voices against monster boats in their own waters. In a statement sent out in Nouakchott, Mauritania, local fishermen called on West African governments to no longer allow supertrawlers into their…