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  • In memory of James Gormley

    Throughout its history, Greenpeace has depended on the passion, vision and courage of its volunteers. Our work relies on the people who care so deeply and share such a strong love of this beautiful planet that they are willing to put themselves on the frontline of environmental issues the world over. It is with great…

  • Open letter from the Firefighters Union

    Here is an open letter from the Firefighters Union that was published in The Age earlier this week. It’s powerful hearing this from the people who are on the front line. Open letter from the Firefighters Union We will be fighting more fires unless we tackle the problem’s source DEAR Mr Rudd and Mr Brumby,…

  • Bushfires … heatwaves … floods …

    Greenpeace’s condolences go out to those Australians who have lost loved ones and homes in the horrific bushfires which continue to rage out of control in Victoria. Australia is in the midst of it’s worst natural disaster with the death toll from the bushfires reaching over 100. The fires have spread on the back of…

  • Climate of creative disobedience

    “If you disobey a police directive, there is a risk you will be arrested and charged with trespass,” I explained gently to countless groups of people as they lined the front of Parliament House yesterday. Around two and half thousand people of all ages and from all over Australia gathered to encircle federal Parliament on…

  • It’s your Climate Summit: join the live info session

    When Kevin Rudd announced the 5% carbon emissions target in December, climate action groups organised creative protests with lightening speed. In Adelaide, they pelted ‘5% Kevin’ with shoes (a la the George Bush shoe pelt of 15 December). In Melbourne, activists sandbagged Martin Ferguson’s office against climate impacts. In Newcastle, they occupied the local member’s…

  • Looking forward to 2009

    It’s been a lovely summer. I was camping for a couple of days near the beach at Meroo National Park on the NSW south coast. Long afternoon sleeps under shady eucalpyts… morning swims in the crystal clear ocean… slow cooked damper on the campfire. It was a great rest after a hectic year. The turbulance…

  • Take part in climate protests around the country

    Following the apalling betrayal from Kevin Rudd yesterday, there are climate change protests springing up all over the country. They’re being organised by grassroots community groups who have asked us to promote them as widely as possible. So if you want to let your outrage be felt, get out there and get involved. Or if…

  • An open letter to Kevin Rudd on climate

    Today Greenpeace released this joint statement, together with over 50 Australian environmental organisations. Any day now the Federal Cabinet will be making a decision about the target for cutting greenhouse emissions over the next decade. It’s a crucial moment. We’ll find out what the target is on the 15th – when we will know if…

  • The energy revolution will not be centralised!

    This week has seen yet another round of protestations from the big end of town about how difficult it will be to cut greenhouse emissions, and how they are going to have to move offshore if a decent emissions trading scheme is introduced. Meanwhile, another renewable energy manufacturer has just announced that they are actually…

  • Herald-Sun breaks the silence on new Limits to Growth report

    Congratulations to Melbourne’s Herald-Sun for breaking a thirty-year taboo on the dreaded ‘Limits to Growth’ hypothesis today, in an article by Peter Jean. Limits to Growth is the theory that since the Earth is finite, an endlessly growing global economy will eventually run out of planet to get resources from, dump pollution into, grow food…