Tell your MP to protect our forests.
Tell the government to protect our forests with strong environmental laws.
Send your email now.
In Australia, an area the size of the MCG is deforested every 2 minutes. This is the scale of the deforestation crisis underway in our country. It’s a mostly unseen crisis, but one on a global scale - with Australia's deforestation rate on par with the world’s worst hotspots like the Amazon, Indonesia and Borneo.
This year is THE critical year for nature law reform, with the Australian government considering environmental protection laws that could deliver ambitious, once-in-a-generation reforms. But they won't do it without our voices and our support.
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Fight for our future
Australia is the worst country in the world for mammal extinctions and the second worst in the world for biodiversity loss. It’s estimated that 50 million native animals are killed every year in Queensland and NSW alone as a result of deforestation.
That’s one native animal killed every second from deforestation. We have to stop this.
Tips for writing an impactful email
You can edit our pre-filled message, or write your own.
Just remember these 3 things:
1. Keep it polite
We're asking the Federal Government to create robust nature protection laws, so that our forests will be safe in the future. They are not the enemy, so ask nicely and please keep it respectful.
2. Be clear
We need our MPs and Senators to know that the future of our unique local animals and birds is in their hands. They have a once in a generation opportunity to put in place strong protections to save our forests.
3. Spell out the risks
If the government doesn't implement strong laws that will protect our wildlife and our forests far into the future, we risk losing the beautiful living world that makes Australia so unique.
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Did you know: We don’t take any money from government or corporations, allowing us to stay fiercely independent in our fight for a greener, more peaceful future.